Reader at Work 2 kitabının 11. okuma parçası 11  HARRODS: A DIFFERENT WORLD. Bu parçanın kendisini ve bilinmeyen kelimelerini alfabetik sırayla aşağıdaki tabloda bulabilirsiniz.
Welcome to Harrods - a different world for a million reasons. Harrods is the largest store in Europe with goods displayed in 60 windows and 5.5 hectares of selling space. In one year over 14 million purchases are made in the 214 departments where you can buy anything from a pin to an elephant - if you can convince the manager of the Pet Department that you are a suitable elephant owner, that is! Harrods stocks a wide and exciting range of merchandise in every department. It is because of this policy that Harrods can give the customer a choice of goods which is unique in its variety and which no other store can match: Harrods stocks 100 different whiskies, including 57 single malts, 450 different cheeses, 8,000 dresses, 500 types of shins and 9,000 ties to go with them. Moreover, it has a staff of 4,000, rising to 6,000 at Christmas time.
Harrods has a world-wide reputation due to several reasons in addition to those mentioned above. It offers a number of special services to its customers. These include a bank, an insurance department, a travel agency and a theatre ticket agency. Another reason is the range of exported goods. £40 million worth of goods are exported annually from Harrods and the Export Department can deal with any customer purchase or order and will pack and send goods to any address in the world. Recently, for example, six bread rolls were sent to New York, a handkerchief to Los Angeles, and a £5,000 chess set to Australia. It is this first-class service that has made Harrods so famous.
Harrods sells 5 million different products, not all of which are actually kept in stock in the store itself. To handle this enormous range, a new computerised warehouse is being built. It will be the largest warehouse in Britain and the second largest in Europe and will deal with a wider range of goods than any other distribution centre in the world. Thanks to its modem technology, a customer will be able to order any product (for example, a dining table or a dishwasher) from any assistant in the store. The assistant will be able to check its availability immediately on a computer screen, decide with the customer on a suitable delivery date and time and then pass the order directly to the warehouse through the computer. The time of delivery will be guaranteed to within one hour.

actually :
Aslında, gerçekten, doğrusu
annually :
Yıllık olarak, yıldan yıla, senelik
Convince :
İnandırnak, şkna etmek,
customer :
Müşteri, alıcı
deal with :
-in üstesinden gelmek, -in hakkından gelmek, -e değinmek, -den bahsetmek
Teslimat, dağıtım
distribution :
Dağıtım, dağılım
due to several reasons :
Birkaç sebepten dolayı/nedeniyle/yüzünden
enormous :
Kocaman, muazzam, müthiş, iri
exported goods
İhracat, dışarıya satılan ticari mal
handle :
üstesinden gelmek, idare etmek, başa çıkmak
in addition to :
ek olarak, bunun yanı sıra, ilaveten, ayrıca
include :
İçermek, kapsamak
mentioned :
Bahsedilmiş, sözü edilen
merchandise :
Mal, ticaret eşyası,
Moreover :
Dahası ,üstelik, bundan başka
Purchases :
Satın almak, alımlar
Reputation :
İtibar, şöhret, ün
suitable :
Uygun, elverişli, münasip
Thanks to :
Sayesinde, bu sayede
unique :
Eşsiz,tek, yegane
variety :
Çeşit, tür, çeşitlilik

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